Program to improve energy
efficiency in DIANTHUS Company 2015 - 2020
Improving energy efficiency is priority and permanent in our company. To improve energy efficiency DIANTHUS Company envisages the following:
- Removing barriers to promoting energy efficiency;
- Education and awareness of all company employees on the importance and benefits of applying measures to improve energy efficiency;
- The company promoting the use of equipment and devices energy efficient and renewable energy;
- Use of modern measuring and control systems and energy management systems for monitoring, ongoing evaluation of energy efficiency and energy consumption forecasting;
- Financial incentives under the law;
- Cooperation with suppliers, customers and all the bodies involved to achieve energy efficiency goals.
Description of the main outlines of energy
The main contours of the energy consumption of the company DIANTHUS is the fuel consumption of our fleet of trucks.
Consumption of electricity and heat were insignificant as a percentage share compared to fuel consumption.
The significant decrease in average consumption level of fleet (over 10%) in 2012-2015 was made possible through the implementation of economic management, combined with purchases of new trucks sales / old trucks with high fuel consumption.
Actions taken to improve energy efficiency.
In the transport service provided by the company cost element with the highest weight is the cost of fuel (30-40%), for which the main measures adopted in order to improve the company were to lower consuption average fuel per unit of transport . As a result of the continuous effort in recent years has produced a decrease in consumption of more than 10%.
Measures adopted in 2015
Since the company DIANTHUS consumes an amount of energy of more than 1,000 tonnes of oil equivalent, according to law 121/2014 Company DIANTHUS took in 2015 the following measures:
a) A designated person in the company who, has obtained certificate of energy manager, has drafted and submitted to ANRE within the legal STATEMENT total energy consumption for 2014 and analysis questionnaire ENERGY CONSUMERS OF ENERGY.
b) conducted an energy audit energy along the entire perimeter of the company's completed on 15 September 2015 by the SC COPROFORM SRL, service provider authorized by ANRE.
Following this audit the company received a number of recommendations to improve energy efficiency, underlying recommendations to improve the energy efficiency program of the company in the coming years,
Measures to reduce energy consumption / energy performance improvement indicators 2016 - 2020
1 Replacement lamp neon lighting with LED lamps, lighting both exterior and interior lighting
2 Installing a solar system with a capacity of 1000 liters of hot water as to reduce gas consumption
3 Implementing a system to monitor tire pressure for each transport unit, depending on the load, to lower specific fuel consumption
4 Reducing average fuel consumption by truck
The main concern of DIANTHUS regarding energy efficiency in the coming years will remain reducing average fuel consumption of our fleet. In this respect shall apply following permanent measures:
1. Fleet will be increase only by purchasing of new trucks, the latest generation, with lower fuel consumption and only class Euro 6 pollution, while reducing the number of old trucks with higher fuel consumption, by selling them.
2.All drivers will be trained and closely monitored thereafter in order to acquire and maintain an economical driving style. Errors and irregularities will be reported in real time and corrected.
Our goal is that in the next few years to decrease the average fuel consumption. If you currently average consumption is about 29 l / 100 km, our goal is to achieve an average level of consumption / truck under 26 l / 100 km, up to 31.12.2020.
Dianthus Sustainability Report 2015